Maps and Route Schedules
Bus routes are generally divided into two groups, based on where they serve. The campus routes serve central campus, Sewell Park, the University Event Center, Bobcat Village and UFCU Stadium. The off campus routes cater to San Marcos destinations and student housing areas.
Campus Routes
Fall and spring semesters: Monday - Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., no Saturday or Sunday service.
Summer semester: Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Route 10 - UFCU Stadium
Serves central campus and UFCU Stadium.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 12 - Bobcat Village
Express route between central campus and Bobcat Village.
Runs until 6:30 p.m. on Friday.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 13 - Sunrise Express
Early morning express route between west campus and the UEC.
Runs from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m.
Fall and spring semester service.
Route 14 - Campus Loop
Circles central campus, serving major destinations.
Fall and spring semester service. For summer service see Route 16 - Campus / West.
Route 15 - West Loop
West campus circulator. Connects west campus with the LBJ Student Center.
Fall and spring semester service. For summer service see Route 16 - Campus / West.
Route 16 - Campus / West
Summer Service Only - Combines Route 14 - Campus Loop and Route 15 - West Loop.
Off Campus Routes
Fall and spring semesters: Monday - Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., no Saturday or Sunday service.
Summer semester: Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Route 20 - Aquarena Springs
Serves central campus and Aquarena Springs Drive on the east side of I-35.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 21 - Blanco River
Serves central campus and River Ridge Parkway on the east side of I-35.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 22 - Mill Street
Serves central campus and Mill Street.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 23 - Post Road
Serves central campus Post Road, Uhland Road, and West Avenue.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 24 - Craddock
Serves central campus, Craddock Avenue, and Old Ranch Road 12.
Fall and spring semester service. For summer service see Route 27 - Craddock / Holland
Route 25 - Ranch Road
Serves central campus, West Campus, and Old Ranch Road 12.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 26 - Wonder World
Serves central campus and Wonder World Drive on the east side of I-35.
Fall, spring, and summer semester service.
Route 27 - Craddock / Holland
Summer Service Only - Combines Route 24 - Craddock and Route 28 - Holland.
Route 28 - Holland
Serves central campus and Holland Avenue.
Fall and spring semester service. For summer service see Route 27 - Craddock / Holland
Evening Routes
Fall and spring semesters: Monday - Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., no Friday, Saturday or Sunday service.
No summer service.
Route 40 – Aquarena / Blanco
Combines Route 20 & Route 21.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Route 42 – Mill / Post
Combines Route 22 & Route 23.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Route 44 – Ranch Road / Craddock / Holland
Combines Route 24, Route 25, & Route 28.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Route 45 - Campus Connector
Combines Route 12, Route 14, and Route 15.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Route 46 – Wonder World
Same routing as Route 26.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Night Routes
Fall and spring semesters: Monday - Thursday from 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., no Friday, Saturday or Sunday service.
No summer service.
Route 50 – Night East
Combines Route 40 & Route 10.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Route 55 – Night Connector
Same routing as Route 45.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Saturday Routes
Fall and spring semesters: Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., no Monday - Friday or Sunday service.
No summer service.
Route 67 – San Marcos Circulator
Combines all Off Campus routes.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Route 68 – San Marcos Marketplace
Shopping shuttle to Stone Creek Crossing (Target, Academy, etc.) and the Tanger Outlets, and San Marcos Premium Outlets.
Fall and spring semester service. No summer service.
Specialty Routes
Gameday shuttle information can be found on the Athletics website.
Shuttle from Lot A & B during Commencement