Route 67 - San Marcos Circulator

Bus Stops

  1. LBJ Student Center
  2. Comanche
  3. Wood St
  4. Lantana
  5. Lyndon
  6. Summit
  7. Uptown Square
  8. The Lodge Apartments
  9. Riverside Ranch
  10. Castle Rock
  11. The Grove
  12. River Ridge
  13. Telluride
  14. Verandah
  15. Copper Beach
  16. Old Mill
  17. The Outpost
  18. Elevation
  19. Village Green
  20. West Ave
  21. Bobcat Village
  22. UEC
  23. Live Oak
  24. Quad Bus Loop
  25. Hillside Ranch
  26. Bishop Square
  27. Algarita
  28. Edge
  29. Dakota Ranch
  30. Retreat
  31. Speck Garage

Fall and Spring Service


10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

After the last bus, service ends.

Monday - Friday

No Service

Summer Service

No Service